Watch me poo like a running faucet .. then show you the meal and tell you what Id like you to do w it .
Tag: Tasteys Treasures
Use your teeth
watch me wink and pucker my asshole . Then shit a nice meal for you to pick up with your teeth ..
Eat my shit like a dog
Watch me poo and demand you to eat my shit using nothing but your mouth .
Pooing a small Girthy turd
Watch me poo a small Girthy turd, pushing it out straining and pissing down my leg . Short and sweet . Then I wink my asshole and show u the clean pink insides of it .
Grab a spoon
Watch me shit out a delicious soft thick meal. Then I tell you too grab a spoon and Im sure you know whats next ..
Dont look at my tits
Watch me shit and then demand you eat it ! Finish it ! And then you can look at my big Tits jiggle ..
Another one
Watch me get ready for a shower and drop another jumbo turd out my ass. Then I tell you what Im going to do with it .
Just a poo
Just a naughty girl pooing on the floor .. quick dump to satisy my kink for the day .
Oops I missed the plate
Watch me jiggle and jiggle then push out 3 big turds .. my turds poping the plate in the air and landing on my floor . Then I tell you How id like you to clean it up with your teeth.
Watch me struggle to shit out a nice hot meal . Get your spoon ready to devour this meal .